How Does Green Light Grow

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Throughout the experiment, the results proved that my hypothesis was correct. “If the plant is grown under green light, then the plant will have the least highest growth in 30 days,” and “If the plant is grown under blue light, then the plant will have the highest growth in 30 days.” Recorded on the table, the green light had the least amount of growth in all three plants (lettuce - 3.3cm, spinach - 2.5cm, radish - 1.3cm), and the blue light had the greatest growth (lettuce - 12.3cm, spinach - 19cm, radish - 14.4cm). On the visible spectrum, wavelengths differ from short with more energy to long with less, but these colours vary when being absorbed into the plant. Red, orange and yellow, have longer wavelengths, meaning they provide the plant with less energy to grow. Green, blue and violet have shorter wavelengths to provide the plant with the maximum energy to help its height growth. Although violet should have the greatest and red have the lowest effect in theory, violet was third best and …show more content…

With various heights among the three different plants, the results came to being blue light has the greatest impact. Blue light has a higher rate for absorption in the pigments. Pigments in the thylakoid membrane (chloroplast), contain two key types, chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b, these types have a slight difference in structure but absorb the blue and red wavelengths. Other accessory pigments absorb these photons between the red and blue spectrum (orange, yellow, green, etc). Another reason for the height is from the wavelength and energy that the blue light produces. The shorter the wavelength, the more energy can be provided, plus the shorter wavelength provides the plant with a better environment to grow. The wavelengths of blue light are shorter because of its placement on the visible spectrum scale, because of its speed, energy is produced and speeds up the grow/height of the

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