How Does Indi Home Violate Business Ethics

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DISCUSSION OF RESULT: In this discussion we would like to differ the problems happen because of the unethical practice done by the Indi Home by reflecting several theories in business ethics course. We will have a deep analysis on how Indi Home do violate those ethical practice: 1. Social Contract Theory Asserts that all businesses are ethically obligated to enhance the welfare of society by satisfying consumer & employee Interests without violating any general cannons of justice. Based on the theory, it is clear that a business should be promoting ethical behavior by ensure the satisfaction level of the consumer, but Indi Home violate this theory by providing different quality of service than the marketing promotion exposed that makes consumer dissatisfied, while also violating the legal regulations about consumer rights in law number 8 year 1999 that will be discussed more in the government regulations parts. 2. Common Standard of Truth of Marketing Ethics Ethical marketing is less of a marketing strategy and more of a philosophy that informs all marketing efforts. It seeks to promote honesty, fairness, and responsibility in all advertising. (Schools, 2016). Means, although the …show more content…

It requires an individual to remain honest, open, dedicated to corporate mission and aware of the thoughts, feelings and needs of others. (Archus, 2016). It means, a professional business practices should be prioritizing the value of respect, in here I strongly agree that Indi Home service is not professional at all, due to its practice and numerous false addressing complaint, how the company is poorly managed customer complaint, it was also found disrespect practice done by its technician to the customers which is really shameful and didn’t reflect the company values. Moreover there’s a valid compensation for the customer complaint happen which harm customer’s