How Does Janet Clark Communicate Her Information Regarding The Huntsville Project

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Janet Clark should communicate her information regarding the project through many different type of communication channels. When communicating the information on who will be charge so go through a face to face meeting with all mangers? The reason for the face to face communication is that each managers or supervisors can be aware of each other in their department. For example, each manger and supervisor should know who in charge of office department. The other form of communication should go through emails. This form of communication is a great way to have back up when you need to enforce a policy to employees or for managers. By providing a written memo on each person position within the project will help to figure out whom doing what and why.
There will be many communication conflicts between Clark, Downs, and Pokorski. The reason that Downs and Pokorski was not granted through the board of directors. Also, by giving Clark the opportunity to be a project management on the Huntsville project could make Downs and Pokorski a little frustrated. The reason the communication conflicts will have a big problem with Clark, because she giving the authority to use any of their mangers and take anything from their department to help Clark succeeds. The conflicts could be resolved if the board of director could make the …show more content…

One of the risks is contractor not being able to finish its project on time. Second, the budget can be overstated. Third, equipment could have gotten damage through unexpected transportation issues. One of the ways these risks could be avoided is by making sure you have a little cushion to fill the loop hole in the in the budget. Making sure you have a plan B for unexpected transportation, instead of the equipment coming through export maybe through trucks. No, Janet can still make her project on time by taking a closer look how she schedule and budget her