How Does Squealer Use Propaganda In Animal Farm

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Propaganda plays a major role in Animal Farm. In George Orwell’s novel, Squealer is the propaganda spokesperson that is an assistant to Napoleon to help him gain approval and trust among the animals. Orwell states that, "He was a brilliant talker, and when he was arguing some difficult point he had a way of skipping from side to side and whisking his tail which was somehow very persuasive. The others said of Squealer that he could turn black into white." (Orwell 9) However throughout the novel, Squealer is not the only animal that utilizes propaganda to their advantage. Propaganda was just a tool that demonstrated that power doesn’t lie within the dictator, but with the spokesperson that speaks for him. On Animal Farm the dictator, Napoleon, …show more content…

Napoleon is a large Berkshire pig, who has “a reputation for getting his own way”(Orwell 35) Napoleon uses propaganda when the windmill fell down in the night and states to the animals, “Do you know the enemy who has come in the night and overthrown our windmill? Snowball!”(Orwell 83) Napoleon had no form of evidence that Snowball, in fact, did destroy the windmill, but decided the animals would of course believe him. Napoleon does not however, have skill with words, but his greed for power makes him shirk from good. Since the pigs were “smarter” than the other animals, the pigs had to possess propaganda to win over the societies trust. Just when the other animals thought they found something against the pigs, it was quickly revoked by either Squealer or any of the pigs. An example of this was when the pigs twisted the seven commandments when Napoleon started killing animals. When the Seven Commandments were first created, the sixth commandment stated, “No animal shall be killed by any other animal”(Orwell 15). Nevertheless, in order to fix what Napoleon dug a hole into, the pigs changed the commandment to ”No animal shall be killed by another animal without cause”(Orwell 61). When the pigs changed the commandments, the animals didnt think another second about the cruelty of