How Far Did Hitler Improve The Economy Of 1936-1930's

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After Hitler came to power on January 30, 1933 he improved the economy but when World War Two began it started to decline. Hitler initially came to power during the great depression that had created massive economical obstacles to overcome. Therefore he introduced new ideas like autarky and nationalization of industries to improve Germany’s economy. Hitler’s first great success was to tackle the unemployment rate which was more than 30% in 1932 . He formed the Reichsarbeitsdienst (RAD) which “attacked unemployment by conscripting out-of-work Germans into vast work teams ”. He created large RAD work programs like the construction of the autobahn which resulted in a rapid decline of the unemployment rate. He successfully decreased the unemployment …show more content…

In 1939 the government’s income stood at 15 billion marks and the government spending stood at 30 billion marks . This meant that the government always earned less than they spent causing the government debt to be around 40 billion Reichsmark . Through autarky the wages of a person living in Nazi Germany increased by 10.9%. Through Hitler’s leadership industries began to strive causing the economy to improve. The car production increased by 50% between 1929 and 1934. This period of 1933 to 1936 was the successful reconstruction and stabilization of the German economy. During the 1936-1940 rearmament can also be seen as a success. Rearmament was always very important for Hitler. Hitler initiated the rapid re-armament program with was only successful at the expense of the economy. It created massive imports that where necessary and caused a foreign exchange crisis. Although this re-armament was successful at short warfare, it was unable to survive a long war with Russia. The economy also had a different area of failure, the “Guns not Butter ” theory in 1936. Germany was not able to afford to import the materials for weapons such as steel and aluminum. They also were not able to afford to produce or import

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