How Has Medicare Changed

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Over 98 million people in the United States use the Medicare and Medicaid services (“CMS Fast Facts,” 2017, p.4). Medicare and Medicaid spend over 720 billion dollars a year on the different services offered within each program (“CMS Fast Facts,” 2017, p.4). Medicare and Medicaid have been around for 53 years and has served a lot of people in the United States. Although, the services have changed throughout the years it still serves as an option of health insurance to those that need assistance in covering health related expenses. Medicare and Medicaid spend over billions of dollars a year in the United States for the people that need assistance with health related expenses. Medicare and Medicaid have grown in spending over the course of the …show more content…

Medicaid and Medicare were signed into law in 1965. After 50 years, Medicare and Medicaid are still being used by the people of the United States as a form of aid with medical expenses. Medicare and Medicaid has changed over the years to provide more and more Americans with access to quality and affordable health care that is needed (“CMS’ program history,” 2017, p.1). Medicare and Medicaid have progressed over time to become better and more improved for those receiving the services provided by the government. Even though the Medicare and Medicaid services have changed for the better of the services, it has changed too much from the intended use of the services which has led to problems associated with the …show more content…

The progression of Medicare and Medicaid show major differences from the start of the services to currently. The progression of the services is due to lawmakers eliminating, improvising, and creating new aspects to Medicare and Medicaid. The lawmakers are the ones that progress the services. “Therefore it is important to carefully consider the policy recommendations of the candidate to understand their vision for the future of Medicare” (Cubanski & Neuman, 2008, p.1). Medicare and Medicaid should be considered when electing lawmakers, candidates, because they are the ones that determine the progression and changes of Medicare and Medicaid. The progression from the beginning to now has significantly changed due to the factor of government officials making different

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