
How History Of Education Has Shaped The Public School System

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The history of education has taken many courses throughout the years, that has helped shape the public-school system today. As we move forward we will discuss three of the many historical events that I believed have really impacted the school system. We will begin with Brown v. Board of Education (1954). During 1954, large portions of the United States schools were racially segregated. The Brown v. Board of Education was filled against the Topeka Kansas school board by representative-plaintiff Oliver Brown, when one of his children was denied access to Topeka’s white schools. Brown claimed that the racial segregation violated the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. After months of discussion and arguments the Court reached …show more content…

It gave every child the right to equal opportunity and equal education. The next historical event that helped shaped the public-school system was, The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) (1965). The ESEA Act was passed during President Lyndon B. Johnson’s “War of Poverty”, which encouraged special programs for children of low-income families. (Discovering the Teacher). ESEA helped “authorized state-run programs for eligible schools and districts eager to raise the academic achievement of struggling learners and address the complex challenges that arise for students who live with disability, mobility problems, learning difficulties, poverty, or transience, or who need to learn English” (OSPI). This act helped give those children in need a secure path towards success. The final historical event that help pave the way for the public-school system is, Goss v. Lopez (1975). In this court case Dwight Lopez was suspended from the Columbus Central High School due to a lunchroom disturbance, which resulted in property damage. Lopez denied he had anything with the damage, but the school ignored his side of the story. Lopez and eight other students received a 10-day

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