
How Is Atticus Finch Brave

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In Harper lee’s novel “To Kill A Mockingbird” Atticus Finch is a widowed father and a lawyer for the town of Maycomb. Atticus has two children Jeremy (Jem) and Jean Louise Finch (Scout). He is also an attorney for Tom Robinson who has been accused of raping a white woman by the name of Mayella Ewell. In many ways, Atticus Finch is one of the most genuine people in Maycomb County and a great father/role model for Jeremy and Jean. Atticus Finch has shown his bravery, caring, and knowledge throughout the novel.

Firstly, Atticus is known for his bravery and courage throughout the novel. Atticus does things that other adults did not dare to do in the 1930’s such as defend or fight for a “Negro”. Atticus is alarmed when a rabid dog that is putting …show more content…

Atticus shows his care in many different ways to numerous people, whether it being his kids or one of his neighbours. Atticus is very caring towards Tom Robinson and his family as he is always trying his best to defend and fight for his client. Atticus cared for Tom Robinson, as he believed that everyone should be treated equally and if the justice system was not corrupt and racist, the truth shall prevail. Even though the county despised “Negros”, Atticus cared about them the same way he did to anyone else. Furthermore, Atticus’s first priorities are his kids and he cares about them the most. Atticus treats his children with respect and talks to them like grown adults, this means he always gives his kids the truth whenever they ask about something such as when Jean asks about rape Atticus tells her the truth, “Rape was the carnal knowledge of a female by force and without consent."(135). After the death of Mr. Robinson, Atticus tells Tom’s family about what had happened and how he tried to escape but they shot him. This shows he cares about Tom because his family wouldn’t have found out about the well being of Mr. Robinson. Atticus is a great role model because he is caring towards everyone and treats people with

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