How Is Shakespeare Used In The 9th Grade Curriculum

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Shakespeare in the 9th Grade Today people are asking whether Shakespeare should be taught in the ninth grade curriculum. I feel that Shakespeare's way of writing is a really good subject to teach in the ninth grade. I feel that it is relevant today and that they can open people's eyes to things they are too blind to see. His way of writing connects to others who read it. It is open to people of all ages. Some people are asking where the Shakespeare is relevant today. “His plays still tell the truth, boiled down to their essences”. The quote is saying how Shakespeare's plays talk about all the problems we have in our society that nobody notices. It is relevant cause a lot of the things Shakespeare wrote about still occurs today. Weather it is rivalry, hate, depression, or suicide. The rivalry comes from hate, either from being in different gangs or things like that. And more common now, depression. Now that we have social media we have people bullying others behind a screen. Which can sometimes make people feel like no where is safe for them to be themselves. Some of the bullying can lead to suicide. Shakespeare opens the doors to all of that. So that we can see it. “He’s a common vocabulary, a common set of heroes and villains and everyone in between.” Most of …show more content…

“But more importantly, through such plays, we are confronted with universal truths.” Meaning that through his place we see the problems that happen every day. It is an eye-opener to those who are exposed to it every day. "Conflict persist across the human societies and it must be addressed before it spirals out of control. "They are using Shakespeare's plays to open the eyes of people who are blind to today's problems. It makes them aware so that they can fix it before it gets worse. It opens the eyes to people who are exposed to the wrong every day. But some people think