How Should Fossil Fuels Damage The Environment

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Fossil fuels are finite resources that come from the earth, including sources such as petroleum, natural gas, and coal. Many are used to generate electricity and power advanced industrial nations, but there is a lurking danger just under the skin of fossil fuel usage. Why stop using fossil fuels in the first place? This is a blatantly obvious answer. In our homeland, the United States of America, it seems obvious that all of us, in one form or another, use fossil fuels. Most of our kids, and their kids as well, will grow up in America and also use fossil fuels, unless we put an end to it now. Evidently, most care about the future of the planet. If this is so, then why should we rely on harmful fossil fuels that damage the environment? The answer …show more content…

There exists a problem in defining the word "efficient." Fossil fuels may be better at producing electricity and efficient in, say, time-wise senses, but cost efficiency declines drastically. There will be days where there is no wind or no sun to generate electricity, but it is not the only way. Geothermal, nuclear, and water energy generation sites exist, and are common. It may take more time to generate everything that is necessary, but that does not make renewable energy less efficient. Again, in the long-term, natural renewable sources of energy will make back the money that was once used to make them, and then some. Fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas will always be required in order to generate electricity with them. Where do they come from and how are they acquired? It takes money to mine or drill to obtain them, or even buy it locally or …show more content…

This answer seems to rely with what renewable energy is today. Too many green energy companies have shut down because they lack business. When it is difficult to see the benefit of an idea people will stray away from it. Even leaving out what a great outcome alternative energy would have on the environment, it is a new way to make profit. If the environment did not need a switch to clean energy, it would still be a better alternative to fossil fuels in terms of availability and profit. In combination, it is a way for environmentalists and large corporations to reach an agreement with common interests. Switching from coal used in factories would help save the environment, lessening the harmful emissions that are ruining our only home. Limiting coal usage is a large step among many, but it is a start. To achieve this, a tax would be imposed on using coal in factories. The already existing carbon trading scheme effectively lowers CO2 pollution, and is a start towards the way to alternative, inexhaustible resources. It will help reduce global warming, potentially stopping it if followed by others. This is an offer that is too good to decline. If all of these resources are available, they should be used. Irrespective of any belief, someday, in the not-too-far future, everyone will suffer for what actions we commit today, including neglecting the impending danger of climate change. We are living