How Successful Was The Civil Rights Movement

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The Civil Rights have changed the world that we live in many many ways. There were troubles and even jail time for blacks to fight their equality. People did and continued to do whatever it took to get their message across. There we tons of failures and tons of successes, and some took the wrong furn for a reason. The world has changed a lot with racism and discrimination but there is still more to change. The Civil rights movement impacted many people and places through the time period of 1954-1970s. Living here in the 21st century and learning about the Civil Rights Movement really makes me appreciate every day more and more knowing i don 't have to worry about all of the discrimination, hate, violence, and most importantly disrespect. I personally think every person no matter the color of their skin should be treated the same. People nowadays still discriminate to blacks and other nationalities. There were many failures in the Civil Rights Movement. Sadly the failures either ended in jail time, severe injury, or even death. The way whites treated blacks is honestly sick, the only thing that is different between …show more content…

Success is a sweet word to everybody in every single way. The biggest thing Civil Rights Movement succeeded is the freedom of the African American people. The Civil Rights Movement helped create a less racist community for everybody to live in. Our community isn 't perfect because of some peoples opinions on different heritages or anybody different than them. Also, the Civil Rights granted African Americans more legal rights. The Civil Rights succeeded by giving everybody the same chance to all be equal. There was a lot of success and the Civil Rights changed the world forever, but there is always room for improvement. There are still racist people in the world that will never stop being racist for a reason we will never know. People can make the world better by just getting over the past and learn to accept each other and treat each other