How The Average Number Of Years An Indiana Superintendent Stayed In One District Between 2010-2021

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CHAPTER 4: PRESENTATION OF FINDINGS This chapter summarizes the average years an Indiana superintendent stayed in the same public school district overall and based on personal characteristics and district characteristics. Additionally, this chapter reports the average number and percentage of superintendents based on how they stayed in the same school district, moved to another Indiana district, or left the Indiana public school system based on personal and district characteristics. Superintendent Retention Rate Research Question 1: What is the average number of years an Indiana superintendent stayed in one district between 2010-2011 and 2020-2021? Across the 289 Indiana public school districts, superintendents …show more content…

Superintendents with fewer than 21 years of experience stayed on average for 2.86 years, and a superintendent with over 36.15 years of experience stayed in the same district on average for 2.91 years. These results are understandable as older superintendents are closer to retirement and hence leave the field, while younger superintendents may not have the luxury of picking their first-choice district due to their lack of experience. Superintendents with experience range between 28.51 and 36.15 stayed in the same district the longest, with 4.19 …show more content…

Districts with the lowest enrollments, under 1,183 students, stayed in the district for fewer years (3.29 years). Enrollments between 1,184 and 3,864 had the highest number of years that a superintendent stayed with 4.6 years. On average, a superintendent stayed longer than 4.41 years if the district enrollment was higher than 1,184 students, while a superintendent stayed less than 3.77 years if the district enrollment was lower than 1,184