
How To Get Rid Of Digital Addiction By Kelly Wallace Essay

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This passage by Kelly Wallace goes into depth about how teenagers, and even adults, may be addicted to their smartphones, and then provides some ways to get rid of this digital addiction. Have you spent ever spent hours and hours scrolling through your instagram feed, or endlessly watching YouTube videos? Well, if you have, you’re not alone. A poll taken by Common Sense Media says that 50% of teenagers feel they are addicted to their devices, and an even larger number of parents agree. According to another poll, a shocking 80% of teenagers hourly check their phones, and over 70% feel like they need to respond to texts and notifications as soon as they are received. This could cause many problems in school, because if people constantly check their phones during class, they are missing out on the lesson, and may miss important information coming from their teachers. …show more content…

Nearly 30% of adults admitted that they feel addicted to their devices as well. And, when asked the same questions as teens were, their results were nearly the same. For example, “Sixty-nine percent of parents check their devices at least hourly compared to the 78% of teens who say they do that, and nearly half, 48%, of parents feel they need to immediately respond to texts and social networking messages.” And even more surprising, more than half of the adults admitted to texting and looking at their devices while driving. GG Benitez, a mother to three children, says, “she feels the pressure to always be

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