How To Get Rid Of Gun Control Persuasive Essay

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Gun control is a serious issue. People debate whether or not you’re allowed to have self-concealed guns to walk around with. I stand on the side that you should be allowed to carry self-concealed side arms for protection of people around you and yourself.

Getting rid of licensed guns only causes trouble. An example of how getting rid of gun control didn’t work, is Great Britain and how they did it and it caused tragedy. The Firearms act of 1998 which was passed to get rid of guns completely. This left many citizens unarmed unable to protect themselves criminals did anything they want. As said by Joyce Lee Malcolm, a law professor at George Mason University and author of Guns and Violence: The English Experience , this law was followed by a dramatic increase in violent crime. This law doesn’t change the fact that criminals will kill people with guns, the only thing it does is make criminals feel safer to do crimes and leaves …show more content…

In the 1960s the homicide rate was at a high. Citizens were probably worried so they got licenses for themselves to carry guns around, with the licenses distributed the homicide rate decreased which leads to us today at an all time low. Benjamin with his research states, “There were 200 million legally owned guns in America in 1994 and almost 1.3 million violent crimes involving firearms, according to the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics. Today there are more than 300 million legally owned guns in America, and there were roughly 350,000 violent crimes involving firearms in 2011. In other words, the number of legal guns in private hands went up by a third, while the number of firearm-related crimes dropped by 74 percent.” As shown with these results, the self-protected citizens have prevented many crimes. There would be no third factor because of the results with the firearms act of 1998 which got rid of gun control increased crimes, while having more guns only decreased