
How To Write A Group Reflection Paper

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As this semester continues rapidly, my communication group and I are nearing the end of our project. In this paper, I will discuss the things that I wish my group would have done better and my suggestions for if I had to do it all over again. I will also acknowledge the parts that I think worked well and why. Finally, I will explain the most important lesson I have learned thus far that pertains to working in a small group. Since our volunteer project is scheduled and our final presentation is in the works, I have every right to believe that my group is on task and has effortlessly gotten to this point. I cannot say this is true. There are many things that I would do differently if given the chance. I believe that if my group had set standards that were stricter, we would be held to a higher criterion that would keep everyone in line. There has been a constant struggle of getting group members to be completely involved and not believe that it is a project that can be procrastinated. …show more content…

There are parts that I think are good and that are some good ideas that could be replicated in the future. Some things that I would keep the same are the fact that when we are in desperate need of a good idea my group is comfortable enough to share ideas that may be out of the ordinary but eventually gets thoughts flowing. I am glad that my group feels safe in our environment since that is a huge component to a successful small group. Another thing that I would keep the same in a future small group is the communication between the members outside of class. My group is very good at updating each other and replying when necessary. Having members that are alert means no wasted time and no

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