Hsc Personal Statement

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For the past 5 years, I have studied at Cardinal Heenan Catholic High school and my GCSE choices included Art and Business studies which I hope to study in your college. Ever since I was a toddler I have always been very creative and have tried to make art from items around the house. After choosing Art for a GCSE it has made me want to study it as an A-Level because it is something I really enjoy. Recently, I have enjoyed learning about how society has changed over time. Since starting business studies as a GCSE, I have always had an interest in it. I would really like to study sociology as I love the idea of finding out about society, social relationships, social interaction, and culture. Due to my passion for business and art, I would like to have a career based on marketing in the future because I want to learn more about different companies and how they work compared to competitors. I enjoy all aspects of Art and design; however, I do enjoy creating my work. I …show more content…

Rugby has helped me to become more confident, it has improved my communication skills and I can think on my feet even in stressed or difficult situations. I can talk to anyone and not feel embarrassed to slip up or say something wrong as mistakes are always made in a sport and you just learn from it. Since starting rugby, I have become a sports captain which has increased my responsibility and made me think more about other people as I always must think about my teams. Not only have I completed my bronze Duke of Edinburgh and be a sports captain I also have been a buddy to new year sevens when I was in year 10, my job was to help the year sevens with behaviour issues, after the program both students were better behaved. Lastly, I am also a prefect, my duties include helping the school community and going on playground duty on some of my lunchtimes, I also took part in several assemblies which also helped the school

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