
Human Development Analysis

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In this analysis I will cover ideas and the theories that apply to human development of my life. I will explain where I am in the life cycle, physical changes that I have experienced, cognitive experiences, moral experiences, and psychosocial experiences. I will provide examples of my personal experiences and information from the text to apply my knowledge of developments through life.
In the life cycle I am in the early adulthood stage. I am a 26 year old, white female Caucasian. I currently own a house, have a full time career, and am going back to school. I am 5’6’’, 125 pounds, and feel I am in good physical shape. I have developed strong critical thinking skills working as a correctional officer and utilize my thinking skills on a daily …show more content…

Puberty is well known stage, it is described as, “the physical changes in both primary and secondary sex characteristics that occur in the body as sexual development reaches its peak” (Ciccarelli & White, 2015, p. 335). I experienced my period at age 12. I remember having a very hard time with the physical changes. I had severe cramping that would leave me on the couch for most of the day. I recall developing hips and breasts at that time as well, which caused tenderness. It wasn’t until I went on birth control, to help with the pain that I felt more able to function. I remember that time being painful. I am happy that I only have to go through that …show more content…

Kohlberg discusses the three levels of morality in the text. I am classified in the conventional stage, which pertains to older children, adolescents, and most adults. Kohlberg describes this stage as, “an action is morally right if it conforms to the rules of society and wrong if it does not” (Ciccarelli & White, 2015, p. 337). When I was younger I was defiant, but as I progressed in age I became more humble and willing to follow rules. For instance when I was in high school I remember getting an underage drinking ticket. Society does not see that as acceptable. It is against the law. After that happened I did not drink until I was 21. I feel I have good morals and values and try to do what is best. As I get older I develop better morals and

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