Humanistic Psychology Assumptions

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Question A - Describe the basic principles and assumptions of the perspective of psychology assigned to your group

Humanistic psychology is based off the idea that humans are not machines that can’t be easily read, controlled, or have consistent predicted outcomes. Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow, who were some of the founding theorists of this school of thought, decided it was time to look at the consciousness, and free will of the individual. Client centred therapy, created by Rogers, allowed the client to feel equal to the psychologist who was asking the questions. Also, the psychologist would mimic the facial expressions as well as emotions portrayed by the client, this would give the client unconditional positive regard. Finally, Maslow invented the “Hierarchy of Needs”, this hierarchy showed how humans can not reach their full potential until basic physiological and safety needs have been met.

Question B - Identify your own biases and assumptions about binge drinking

Binge drinking takes place when people are very insecure about themselves. They feel as thought they need to do it to impress others and fit in, or to help them black out the negative thoughts they may be experiencing. This person will normally have low self esteem, and may not feel like they belong with others.

Question C - Discuss how the psychology …show more content…

Binge drinking inhibits people from reaching their full potential, and increases the chances of pain and suffering. Humanistic psychology would suggest that people who participate in binge drinking may have not yet reached the belonging and love needs. This binge drinker may not feel accepted by their peers which may lead them to drink excessively. Humanistic psychologists might also say that the person’s safety needs, to feel safe and secure and to avoid pain, my not be