Humorous Wedding Speech

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Good evening, listeners. This is Mike Scott coming to you from the 95FM studios on our nightly spot ‘Straight Talk’. It's a pleasure to be with you again on this glorious sunny day. I would like to speak to you about a very important topic today that is close to my heart. As usual I welcome your views and you can send your texts, emails and tweets to the usual address. My friends, I don't know where to begin my speech. I don't know what you would be expecting me to say. But first if all, I would like to thank God for whom we ask are equal. My friends, I am sure you listen to the news everyday of terrorists blowing up schools and I am sure you have seen children going to work instead of school. I would like to talk about the rights of education around the globe today because without a shadow of …show more content…

Furthermore, the report also showed that 89,199 of the total number of children are employed under-age. Moreover, another report released by the FCR showed that a total of 100 schools were demolished by terrorists bombing them. Listeners, this is an appalling indictment of not the governments but us. We have let our fellow children's right to education to be derived from them. We have let our fellow children's lives miserable. We have let our fellow childrens down. We have let our fellow children's right to be seized by the cruel money-lovers. My dear listeners, education lies above success. Education is the key to success. Education makes our lives. We cannot brush sides this issue. We cannot overlook this strain on our society. We cannot disregard innocent lives. Listeners, now is the time to go speak up for our future generations. My friends, Abigail Adams has rightly said that "Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardor and attended to with