Kelvin Beckett's Article Summary

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1. What do you think are the author's main points in the article/chapter? The author, Kelvin Beckett begins his article with the idea that education is each students’ responsibility. Then, the author presents why he wrote this article as well as the core idea. Beckett believes that the solution to understanding the relationships between “essentially” or “fundamentally” progressive, conservative, or liberatory teaching is how the teachers in segregated Black schools taught. They were, “progressive, conservative, and liberatory, because of the larger purpose they had.” (Beckett, 2011.) Overall, Beckett wrote this article because he believed his solution could help end this major dilemma in education, and wanted to provide this information to …show more content…

Today, millions of students do not appreciate the free education they receive. Rather, they reject their education because they view it as worthless. However, education is by no means worthless, but is rather the foundation that holds a democracy together. Students who do not receive a proper education become ignorant citizens; therefore, negatively impacting our country. Teachers need to focus on teaching their students the value of learning at an early age because that single concept with affect them for the rest of their lives. For example, an individual will never stop learning. As he or she grows up, he or she learns how to eat, drink, write, etc. An individual never stops learning unless he or she chooses to not learn. This is where millions of student are at, they do not want to learn because they see no value in learning. Overall, I strongly agree with Obama’s statement, because until we teach our students the value of education, our democracy will continue to …show more content…

Furthermore, when a new idea comes to light in order to solve a problem, the author of that idea instantaneously receives strong credibility. Additionally, the author provides real life examples of teachers utilizing these teaching methods which gives accurate and real data. Real life examples illustrate how effective the methods are, as well as provide a further explanation to the terms. Overall, the article is strongly supported and unique because of the solution it provides to end this major educational issue. 4. What are the weaknesses of the author’s argument? For example, do you see any unstated assumptions or biases in the article? Is this a limitation to the author’s credibility? Why or why not? The only weakness I saw was the lack of explanation of the essential, fundamental, progressive, conservative, and the liberatory teaching methods. This entire article is based off of what these five teaching methods are; therefore, the author should have clearly defined them. Although the author explains who created the concepts, as well as a small explanation, I believe the author should have broken down these five teaching methods and provided examples to illustrate the term. If the author did this, then the reader clearly understands the terms, and can move forward into the article. 5. How does this article impact your journey as an educator? How will you use this information to influence your