Graduate School Admission Essay

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Education is one of the most crucial aspects of our society, as it helps to form the future generation. I don’t remember exactly when my interest in teaching really started but I do remember always having the desire to become a teacher and really make a difference in someone’s life. It was honestly my positive experience of education that had a lasting impact on my life and encouraged my energy and passion for teaching. Following this, I further developed my interest in this subject through my academic and extra-curricular activities.
After leaving secondary education, I was lucky enough to fully immerse myself into subjects that really fueled my energy and passion for teaching mathematics. These were mainly subjects such as a mathematics A-level …show more content…

As well as this, I was also a peer mentor, which I feel was a particularly important role to have as it helped me to work closely with the year 7s as they transitioned into the school, which helped develop my enthusiasm for pursuing a career as a secondary school teacher. I would also be responsible for helping out at parent’s evenings, open days and evenings and giving tours, careers days, information evenings and I took great pride in organizing a number of charity fundraiser events, for example, an anti-bullying week and a Children in Need auction. After leaving school and achieving commendable GCSE results, I began tutoring for a young girl who suffered from dyslexia. I researched the ways to help her learn best and worked hard with her until she achieved top grades in her SATs exams in year 6. I continued to be her tutor whilst she was at secondary school. I also took part in a work experience placement in a secondary school, which I worked in different departments in the school, observing different teaching practices and different ability students. During this beneficial experience, I also worked with a number of different ability students to help them understand things they found challenging. This was extremely satisfying as it means that I had made a difference to a child’s education. It also