I Am Aunye Analysis

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I am Aunye I wonder what I can do to change the world. I like to climb trees and enjoy the ocean’s beauty I dislike when people tell me who I should be I would like to live on the beach or in nature I am Aunye I pretend to not care about things I really, truly do care about things I worry i’m not good enough to be what I want to be I cry when I mess up or don’t get the result I want I am Aunye I understand who i really, truly am I say “ I will make it” because I will I dream to be the best I can at my talents I try to show people the real me I hope one day they will get to know the real me I am Aunye Introduction Hello, i’m Aunye’, I was born in St.Louis Missouri in 2002 September 17th, my name means that i am very …show more content…

Chapter 1: Plays and Culture When I went to Chesterfield Montessori School I always acted in plays. I never wanted to be the lead role or be an actual character, I wanted to be the narrator because it had the most lines and I got to portray a certain feeling or emotion. Here is my first play story. I was in the 2nd grade when I was in my very first play, it was Snow white, at first I wanted to be the princess, but I looked at the lines and I quickly realized that I want a role with lots of lines, I do talk a lot. The role with the most lines was the narrator so I looked at the narrator roles, there were three. One narrator role was the nervous one,the second was the mean one and the third role was the nice one. To use charisma I decided to be the mean narrator. The whole class two weeks to get ready for the play and prepare our costumes, my teacher was half Persian so she already had some stuff we could use. We ordered in lots of Persian costumes for us to wear and they were absolutely beautiful.We painted backdrops that had pretty arabic designs on them, I don’t have the absolute picture of one, but this is a picture I found closest to

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