
I Am Malala Quotes

1147 Words5 Pages

Angelle Li Mrs. Das English
22 Dec, 2022
Taking Action
“Dreams don't work unless you take action. The surest way to make your dreams come true is to live them.” ― Roy T. Bennett. The novel “I am Malala” by Malala Yousafzai tells the journey of Malala and how she saw a problem and wanted to make a change. When she was younger, she felt the wrath of the Taliban and how they limited people's rights by using their fear to hold them in chains. Malala was a young girl when the Taliban said that girls going to school isn't allowed, and she knew that was wrong. She shared her opinion through blogs, interviews, and the news until October 9, 2012, when she was shot by the Taliban she protested against. Even after this devastating event, even after she …show more content…

When Radio Mullah said that an earthquake would return if people did not listen to him, Malala knew that was untrue “An earthquake is a geological event that can be explained by science, I wanted to tell them. But these women, many of whom had no education and who were brought up to follow the dictates of their religious leaders, were frightened.” (Yousafzai 40). If Malala’s father didn't allow her to get an education, she would become one of the girls who blindly followed the wrong teachings of others whose outdated ideas led to the deaths of millions. Without education girls like Malala continue to be led on by outrageous beliefs, and when they have children they will teach the same things to them and the loop will be endless. Societies that teach obedience instead of independence can lead to people who use fear or other means to manipulate people into doing what they want, and Malala sees that, and she wants to change that. Her mother knew and she knew that the Taliban was wrong, “‘Falsehood has to die,” she said. ‘And truth has to come forward.’” (Yousafzai 76). The Taliban were wrong, and Malala and her family knew that if they didn't do something about it, if they followed the Taliban and Radio Mullah in silence, then they would continue to suffer under their wrath. When Radio Mullah who worked with the Taliban said that an earthquake that had a disastrous effect was because Muslims did not follow …show more content…

However, Malala knows that if she lets fear take over, there will be no result in the world “‘Aba,’ I said, ‘You were the one who said if we believe in something greater than our lives, then our voice will only multiply, even if we are dead.’” (Yousafzai 119). To her, girls getting freedom and education was more important than her life, and even after a death threat from the Taliban, she continued to protest until she was shot and even after. If she did not stand up to fight, would the girls who were taught obedience to men, to be quiet, and to be submissive stand up? Malala could have even fought violence with more violence, but she didn’t because she said even if a member of the Taliban came to kill her, she would tell him she wanted an education for all people. Malala did not choose to violently protest but instead used her words which she knew was her most powerful weapon. She was shot in the head, but she did not want to shoot them back, instead, she continued her fight for girls' education. In the end, she did not win the Nobel Peace Prize because she used her fists, it was because she used her

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