I Am Mastering College Essay

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How I am mastering college? Well I have learned new ways I can master college thanks to SLS1501.
The way I am mastering college is the I don’t procrastinate as much, like I was in high school. My week starts on Monday at 9:30 am, I go to my English writing class; while, I am in the class I put attention to what the professor is teaching. I take notes on the most important details of the lecture. The tools I use to takes notes are pens of multi color, highlighters, notes cards, and sticky notes. Once my class is over I got to the reading lab and go over the new materials I learned in class, this takes me an hour to go threw. After I stayed in the lab and do my lab assignments. When the clock hits 2PM I go to class. Classes change depending on the day.
Another way I am mastering college is If I don’t understand something in class I make an appointment with my professor in the afternoon, or I make an appointment with a tutor in the lab, either the English lab or the math lab. I have learned various ways I can master college; these is “POWER”. …show more content…

I use this everyday. I prepare my backpack every night, this way I wont forget any supply for my classes, I organize my notes and papers this way is easier for me to study, when a test approach. I work hard in my classes trying to do the best I can; while also learning the new material. I make goals that I can reach. I evaluate my self every time I get the results back from a test. The book gives advice on how to succeed in college for example: “find my motivation,” “to take a moment to congratulate myself and feel satisfaction when I accomplish something good”, and “to question my self and evaluate If I could have done