Impact Of Inter-Professional Communication

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“Using recent examples from practice critically discuss how inter-professional communication can impact on service user safety”

The team work among the professionals of different healthcare departments and among other professional departments is getting more common. It is becoming essential that healthcare providers should work with the professionals of other health disciplines in order to improve health facilities and educate the clients. (Pecukonis, 2008).
Along with the benefits and positive features of inter-professional collaboration there are some challenges too that may hinder the work, and healthcare institutions are looking forward to teach students about inter-professional communication to mediate the challenges. (McNair, 2005).
Inter-professional team work is a unique way to encompass all the needs of a client or professionals associated with the team. Interprofessional education is an essential stride in propelling health professional education for a long time and has been supported to enhance the general nature of health care.
There is a concept of negative influence of inter-professional team work due to different way of thinking and working experience of variable departments that leads to inter-professional discrimination (Tajfel, 1981).
Ideal inter-professional health care team:
An Ideal and successful inter-professional health care should share useful information, develop goal that are common to the whole team, work in an integrated manner,