Importance And Purpose Of Communication

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Communication A. Why do we communicate? Communication is not something that you need to learn: it is simply something you do and have always done. Communication is a deceptively unpretentious concept. It encompasses an intricate process, further convoluted by a wide variety of factors like motives, perception, relationships, situations, cultural variances, resources available and many others. B. What is communication? It is simple defined as ‘the imparting or exchange of information, ideas or feelings between a sender and a receiver’. The two most imperative points to be noted from this definition are that: a) The potential content and purpose of communication is very varied; and b) Communication as an exchange is not just a one-way process. C. What is the significance or purpose of communication? The main objective of communication is to transmit a message which should motivate the receiver to react favorably. This objective may take any form according to the situation: information, order, suggestion, negotiation, persuasion, etc. Whatever the form it takes it must be ensured that it prompts your receiver to act as you wish. The chief objectives of communication are as follows: a) Information Communication is enquiring, supplying or receiving information. Without sufficient, reliable and relevant information, you remain ignorant to what happens in your surroundings. b) Advice Advice refers to personal opinion about what to do, how to do, and where to