Analysis Of John Bowlby's Attachment Theory

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This essay will explore what attachment theory is and its implications for the social and emotional world of the child and also highlight one of the government policy that supports positive parent and child relationships. FORMATION OF ATTACHMENT John Bowlby (1907-1990) was a British Psychiatrist who originally highlighted the important of a a child’s attachment relationship. He was influenced by the theory of ethology and the study of imprinting by Lorenze (1935). Used ducklings to prove that attachment was innate and has survival value. Other theorist also emphasis on the reason children are attached to their caregivers. The theory shows the important of a child parent relationship and how it affect a child’s development. The theory came about from observing baby developing attachment to primary …show more content…

According to Bowlby (1969) attachment is a” lasting psychological connectedness between human beings. he argues that babies are born innate that needs to attach to a human figure. The foundation of attachment starts from the mother’s womb, hear her voice and this make a baby nurtured and comforted. According to Ainsworth attachment (1979), Attachment is “an crucial part of the ground plan of the human species for an infant to become attached to a mother figure”. FORMATION OF ATTACHMENT Attachment develops gradually in a space of time rather than suddenly. Schaffer,(1996) highlight the phases based on Bowlby’s conceptualisation of attachment. Phase 1: this is from when babies are born till they are two months. At this stage baby cry, smile to parents or non-parents. Phase 2: from 2 months to 7 months. The attachment begins to develop whereby the infant focus on one caregiver and they are able to different known faces to unfamiliar ones. Phase 3: from 7 months to 24 months at this stage the infant develops a constant attachment to a primary care giver mostly the