Importance Of Education In The Philippines

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An educated individual can bring a lot of changes to society. Education is the key to success. In other words, it is an important tool needed by an individual to be able to live through the world. Education is not merely knowing how to read and write for that is literacy. Education is gaining a deeper knowledge over what is read or written. As a result, it teaches one to create new ideas on the information one has gained. Education is not only learning information or memorizing the what and what not’s of the world. Rather, it is a process of turning the information one knows into knowledge by interpreting it to the world around them. Education is not only limited to books, encyclopedias or almanacs. It is also open to lessons one can learn through the course of life. It requires the function of mental processes and brain activity. As Albert Einstein once said, “Education is not learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think.” Over 5 years ago, our ex-president Benigno Aquino III signed the K-12 law. This law states that students will go through 12 years of basic education (6 years in primary educations, 4 years in Junior High, and 2 years in Senior High) before progressing to universities. Philippines is the last country among all the countries in Asia and one of the only 3 countries worldwide who still practices the 10-year pre-university cycle. The supplemental 2 years for Senior High is meant to prepare and equip the students for progressing to universities or