Emotional Intelligence Theories Essay

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Leadership is the process of influencing activates of an organized group toward goal achievement. In other words doing jobs through other people, however to be able to do so, a leader need to have a certain level of emotional intelligence, which is the ability to be aware and express emotions, and further to be able to handle personal relationships carefully and empathetically. The five main domains of emotional intelligence are; knowing your emotions (Self Awareness), managing your own emotions (Self-Regulation), motivating yourself (Motivation), Recognizing and understanding other people’s emotions (Empathy) and Managing relationships (Social Skills)
Furthermore we will discuss the different emotional intelligence theories that have been …show more content…

Therefore while choosing between male and female we must consider first the habits, values and emotional intelligence of both individual cases before deciding whether to chose a male or a female for the position to lead a government organization. This is due to that as mentioned earlier, many studies have shown that although women are more emotional and empathetic it does not mean that they are fit to be leaders, men on the other hand also have certain discrepancies with regard to emotional intelligence, and however emotional intelligence could be built for both men and women even at a later age. In fact emotional intelligence in both genders gets better at an older age and through the theories of emotional intelligence that help building a better emotional intelligence quotient such as Goleman’s domains which state that a leader can build on his emotional intelligence through knowing your emotions (Self Awareness), managing your own emotions (Self-Regulation), motivating yourself (Motivation), Recognizing and understanding other people’s emotions (Empathy) and Managing relationships (Social Skills). Therefore before deciding on the gender of the individual we need to identify their EQ level to be able to associate it with the decision making skills that help a leader in making decisions such as ; Flexibility, ability to handle stressful situations and manage conflicts and