Value Of Multicultural Education

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According to Tylor (1871), culture is a complex of a whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, moral, law, custom, and other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member in a certain society. There is an extended definition of culture defined by other individuals. According to Scarborough (1998), culture is a set of values and attitudes shared by a group that sets standards for the acceptance and successful participation in a certain group. Actually there is no exact definition of culture. Culture is more than what others think. It may include nationality, geographic area, gender, socioeconomic class, religion, age, physical ability, industry type, professional differences and even education level (Distelhorst, 2007). According to …show more content…

On this statement, the multicultural education is very important in our country for us to be able to provide the educational equity and improve positive socialization behaviors to all international students who have different cultures. A lot of scholars have given definitions to the concept of multicultural education. For instance, Banks (1988) treated multicultural education as a kind of reflection on ideas for the purpose of enabling all students from different cultures and different ethnic group backgrounds to have access to equal educational opportunities and the same learning treatment from school and teachers. Multicultural education is a process of comprehensive school reform and basic education for all students. It challenges and rejects discrimination in schools and society. It can also help the student on how to accept the ethnic, linguistic, religious, economic, and gender, among other the students. Multicultural education permeates the curriculum and instructional strategies used in schools, as well as the interactions among teachers, students, and parents (Scherba De Valenzuela 2002). Most of the multicultural education is implemented in an international school. From these instances, the population of an international school that caters a multicultural education has been …show more content…

This study will describe the curriculum followed by the faculty members as well as methodologies and approaches used in teaching; who are the school administrators that manage and maintain the regularity of the campus; the teachers who nurture and develop the students to become competent individuals; the total population of the students and their nationalities that entrusted themselves to the supervision of the school administration and faculty members; the academic calendar, time phase and class schedule; the rules and regulations and policies implemented to guarantee the welfare of the administrators, faculty members and students; the co-curricular activities organized for the students to relish but most essentially to learn more; the school organizations that allow the students to develop their social responsibility and the educational programs and celebrations that both give delight to the faculty members and students hand in hand while learning at the same