Greek Culture Vs American Culture Essay

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What is culture? Webster’s Dictionary defines culture as “the customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of a racial, religious, or social group.”(Culture, n.d.) Culture can be summed up as the way a specific group lives their lives. There are many diverse cultures around the world. Many are specific-to-specific regions of the world while some are specific to a religion or race. Some cultures are very similar yet very different at the same time. In Greece, many different traditions and ideas have lasted through the years and have been refined from ancient times. According to Webster’s Dictionary, Democracy is, “a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections (Democracy, n.d.).” In the year …show more content…

In a period of just over a week, the CCF would assault Outpost Harry numerous times attempting to force their way into and past Harry’s trench lines with more than 13,000 soldiers in all. All five company’s ordered to defend and hold this position did so successfully when their turn came (Freecyprus, 2006). The climate of Greece has many moods similar to its many geographical features. The seasons in Greece can be broken down into two main seasons: the cold, wet season, which takes place from around mid-October through the middle or end of March and the warm, dry season, which takes place from April to the end of September. Greece is geographically located on the southeastern portion of Europe. Greece is bordered by three different seas: the Aegean Sea, East Mediterranean Sea, and Ionian Sea. Greece only shares land borders in the northern and northeastern sections of the