Objectives Of Reading For Comprehension

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Reading skill is a complex skill which has to be taught from earlier education as a second language in our country. English also one of major subject in school. A student should be able to read and understand English to be successful in other subject such as science and math. However, there are various purposes and goals for teaching and learning English. As for reading, there are also various purposes and goals for students to master it. A comprehension text given by the teacher may require students to skim just to find the specific information based on the task given. There are many purposes for reading. From toddler to adults, there are various materials for reading. A novel may be read just for entertainment. But, reading for comprehension involves the exercise which is more in-depth skill. In a social context, reading is viewed as a form of habit formation. At first, students may consider the act of reading as a forces action. But, when it became a habit, they will be willing to read as much as they want even as part of their hobby. It is hard to imagine a world without books and other kinds of reading material. There is a saying that reading is an exercise for the mind. The reason is reading will provide more input and stimulates the mind. By reading, it also improves person’s command of language. In the process of teaching children to read, one of the skills needed is comprehension skill. Technically, comprehension is considering a