Improvement In The Educational Leadership Program At Arkansas State University

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I have learned that school improvement should be a continuing process throughout my school. From all my experiences in the Educational Leadership program at Arkansas State University, I have gain valuable lessons about school improvement. The courses and activities throughout this program have allowed me to conduct action research to make recommendations about best instructional practices that would help my school grow. In addition to these activities, I participated in numerous other internship activities and course projects that led to school improvements.
The first area of improvement will be teacher absenteeism. I learned that teachers are the most important factor in determining student achievement. Therefore, students suffer significant …show more content…

If another teacher has to cover for a colleague, their class is effected too because the teacher’s attention will be divided between both classes. I did not realize the effect of me missing a day of work can have on the impact of student achievement. I learn that when any teacher miss a school day, as a building principal I need to make sure I my staff leave a detail report for the substitute to follow. This detail report will make things go smoothly just like I am at school that day. I learn that my school is held accountable for teacher absenteeism. If teachers are not at school, students can’t learn. This results in our school getting a low accountability score, which reflect negative on the school. As a school we need to look at ways to motivate our teachers to come to work unless they have a legitimate reason. We need to look at our …show more content…

Based on the information collected throughout this specialist program, it has been concluded that parental involvement has a positive effect on student achievement. When teachers, administrators, and parents work together as a positive unit to assist students with class work, the children are usually more forward in their academics. Fewer discipline problems and higher graduation rates are some of the positive effects that are associated with parental involvement. The more parent involvement leads to higher academic achievement for those children. To increase parent involvement, one must come up with creative ways to involve parents in their children’s education. A main component of our school to promote parent involvement is having midterm and progress reports days. This give parents the ability to meet teachers and administrators to discuss their child grades and behavior. Having school-parent workshop is also very important. Inviting parents to join and attend PTSA and athletic booster club meetings are critical. Giving bonus points or incentives to students of parents that show up for after school activities are strategies used to get parents involved. Planning is a major component for increasing parent involvement. As a district, we should reach out and asking parents to get involved at school. Create a school environment that support parent involvement. Being flexible with the