Industrial Revolution Accomplishments

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There was a boom in ground-breaking discoveries during the time between the Industrial Revolution and the emergence of Modern Science. This was the result of a potent convergence of circumstances, rather than just a coincidence. Because of its focus on mechanization and mass production, the Industrial Revolution set the stage for scientific breakthroughs. Modern science then supplied the instruments and intellectual framework needed to further improve industrial processes. This mutually beneficial partnership fostered a golden era of exploration. The development of advanced tools and equipment was one of the Industrial Revolution's most important accomplishments. For example, steam engines transformed transportation in addition to powering factories. Because of their increased mobility, scientists were able to carry out field research on a far larger scale, gather a variety of samples, and visit previously uncharted territory. Significant advancements in biology and medicine were made feasible by microscopes with increased resolving power, which were made possible by developments in glassblowing and metallurgy. The printing press's creation also made it easier for scientific knowledge to spread quickly, encouraging cooperation and quickening the rate of discovery. …show more content…

In industrial operations, experimentation and problem-solving became essential, which encouraged a similar methodology in scientific study. Scientists and inventors are not scared to test out novel concepts and refute accepted beliefs. Numerous sectors had breakthroughs as a result of this intellectual curiosity combined with the pragmatic requirement to find solutions to industrial challenges. For instance, developments in thermodynamics, a field of physics that flourished during this time, were essential to the creation of the steam