Influence Of Perceptio Media On The Fashion Industry

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The youth of today, especially the women, are very keen on fashion shows such as America’s Next Top Model and Victoria’s Secret Fashion Shows. With this, people tend to idolize models that are tall, slim, and have western facial features. A well-known model and reality T.V. star, Kendall Jenner is one of the most favored models in the industry. The 21-year-old model won awards such as Choice Female Hottie and Choice Model in the 2016 Teen Choice Awards. Another audience favorite in the modeling business is non-other than Gigi Hadid. She won Model of the Year in the 2015 Daily Front Row’s Fashion Award (Weisman, 2015) and won the Our New Girlfriend Award in the Guys Choice Award 2016 (Heller & Rosenbloom, 2016). Gigi Hadid and Kendall Jenner are listed as two of the world’s highest paid models as of 2016 (Robehmed, 2016). Both models, who walked the runway last year, will also appear this year on the Victoria Secret Fashion Show in Paris (Drysdale, 2016). It is evident that both models have the ideal tall, slim, and western facial features that women hope for and men want. Knowing these, is media promoting a certain standard of beauty in society? Although media enhances the appreciation of beauty, it should promote a diverse …show more content…

Olay is a brand for facial washes and other beauty products. Olay’s advertisement Get Pinkish Fair Skin with Natural White promotes a natural pinkish fair glow when using their product. This promotes how a person can achieve natural beauty that would not be natural at all. Another example would be the use of photoshop in the modeling industry. According to Cosmopolitan writer Calkins (2016), multiple celebrities have called out magazines for photoshopping or over-retouching them. Some examples of which would be Zendaya who called out Modeliste magazine for reducing the size of her hips and Lorde for pointing out that Fashion magazine overly altered her nose (Calkins,

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