Five Reasons Influencers Can Boost Your Digital Marketing Strategy

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5 Reasons Influencers Can Boost Your Digital Marketing Strategy

Social media and the internet play a huge role today in business marketing. It is no wonder then that companies and entrepreneurs are focusing more resources into digital marketing. And with so much invested in online campaigns, you want to make sure you are getting a healthy ROI from your efforts.

One of the most effective methods used in digital marketing today is influencer marketing. It is the latest buzz-word in the marketing sphere, but it is actually a strategy that has been used for a long time. Basically, it involves working with influencers, persons or groups who have the capability to influence trends and consumer decision making. These people are usually celebrities, public figures, famous personalities, or industry experts. …show more content…

They deliver higher ROI.

Recent statistics show that influencer marketing delivers $6.50 for every $1 invested in influencer marketing. Other research also shows that influencer marketing brings 11x higher ROI than traditional forms of advertising annually. Influencers are a viable choice if you have a limited digital marketing budget or want to increase your return on investment.

Worried because you are not a multi-million dollar company who can afford celebrity influencers? Then tap professional bloggers, social media celebrities, thought leaders, industry experts, or even existing customers.

Why Influencer Marketing is Here to Stay

Marketing companies are noticing that consumer behaviour is changing, including their views on product advertising and promotions. Aside from that, more and more people are using and are influenced by social media and the web. And this trend won’t die any time soon. That is why influencers will continue to play a major role in how businesses are able to effectively engage and convert a target audience into customers. Now is the time to consider working with influencers who will strengthen your digital marketing