Informative Essay About Smoking

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Marisol Valenzuela
UNV 103
September 20, 2015
Patricia Nereim

Smoking can cause the lives of many loved ones. Sarah Myers was a 21 year old who started smoking in her young teens. Sarah was diagnosed with a lung disease due to her continuous habit of smoking. She started smokung due to the pressure she had from friends who believed smoking was " cool " and would relieve any stress. Lke Sarah, many young people are falling in the bandwagon of smoking to feel in places or to potray a certain impression to others. However, smoking is a leading cause on deaths. Smoking can lead to serious side affects or even cause a life. Smoking is preventable and should not precieved a stress reliever or problem solver. Today, many young adults believe …show more content…

Tabacco has the power to trigger an attack or even make an existing attack worse. Tabacco has irritating substances than make an attack happen. The smoke damages the cillia making it unable to clear the airways. Another health issue smoking causes is having a higher chance of compromising the immune system. It is most likely to obtain respiratory infections. The chemicals inhaled through a cigarrete trabel to the bloodstream of the body and damage the immune response. Once this part of the body is affected it becomes difficult to destroy the harmful chemcials that are inserted in the body, leading to a weak immune system. Lastly, another major heath issue caused is osteoporasis. Tabacoo cause the bones to weaken and become more fragil. this can be as simple as leaning over or coughing that can cause a bone fracture. SMoke toxins are affecting the hormones that bones need. Clearly, smoking has many leading causes to affect the human body resulting into serious health …show more content…

Second hand smoking can be as dangerous as smoking a cigarrette for oneself. Inhaling second-hand smoke over time will eventually lead to having the health problems tabacco causes. Second-hand smoke also may lead to a female not being able to get pregnant or potentially cause a pregant women to have miscarriage or premature birth. Second-hand smoke can lead this babies to be born and get easily sick or hve a learning disabikity. Some may potientally die of an early age. SHS has also lead to lung cancer. Even if one is non-smoker, but they are around someone who smokes, it can lead them to the same problems a smoker can obtain. Eventually, it is all dangerous intake to the human