Informative Essay On Fried Tobacco

487 Words2 Pages

Sean Caron
Mr. Taguchi
English 151b
April 29, 2016
Dried tobacco leaves mixed with other ingredients rolled into a nice compact cylinder and fire. These two ingredients are the beginning of a ritual called “smoking” that millions of americans partake in their daily life. The smoker uses a source of fire, usually a lighter, puts the cigarette in his or her mouth, then proceeds to light the cigarette’s end on fire. Once the cigarette is lit, the smoker takes a breath while sucking the cigarette to inhale smoke. This smoke contains nicotine, a stimulant, which produces feelings of euphoria and mood elevation. It is no surprise that in times of stress, many resort to cigarettes to combat anxiety. Although, smoking cigarettes produces a temporary pleasurable feeling, over time smoking can be harmful. Therefore, smoking is the worst decision, one can make in his or her lifetime. …show more content…

Smoke begins its journey in the mouth of a user, where chemicals from smoking can linger. These chemicals attach to the bone and soft tissue of your teeth. As a result, these chemcials can interferes with the normal function of gum tissue cells. This interference makes smokers more susceptible to infections, which can lead to gum disease, Next stop is the lungs, where smoke does most of its damage. The same chemicals that interfere with the mouth also interfere with the body's method of filtering air and cleaning out the lungs. This smoke irritates the lungs and leads to an overproduction of mucus. Long term exposure of the lungs to the irritants in tobacco smoke destroys the normal lung structure over time. This leads to a number of lung diseases such as asthma, COPD, and lung cancer. In the artcile “10 of the Worst Diseases Smoking Causes,” the american lung association