Informative Essay On Acropolis

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The Acropolis is a city that was well known in ancient Greek mythology. It is known to show remembrance of the Greek goddess Athena. The more we reveal about the history of the Acropolis, we have now found that Greek mythology is kind of an interesting topic. The farther you drive into the history of the acropolis every single sentence that you will read will make you more knowledgeable and interested about its history. Once you research any of the ancient myths of the Acropolis, you will never want to stop reading. I have done further research to find more exciting mysteries of the acropolis. The acropolis is a part of an ancient Greek city that is typically built on the side of a hill. The highest known part of the acropolis is the one that is located in Athens. The Parthenon is the eastern part of the acropolis in which it is dedicated to the goddess Athena. They dedicated this part to Athena …show more content…

“Phidias constructed the building” stated Joshua. Joshua stated “Pericles spared no expense in construction of the acropolis and, especially the Parthenon hiring skilled architects. “The first stone was laid on July 28, 447 BCE” stated Joshua. He also stated “the acropolis was built to honor the goddess Athena and proclaim the glory of the city to the world.” Also Joshua stated the acropolis begin construction under the guidance of the statesmen Pericles.” This is an insight to the acropolis. The acropolis is a place in Greek that seems to be very interesting. The acropolis is a topic that I would suggest for someone who has to do a research project. The acropolis is a good insight to Greek mythology. The acropolis is a city that is well known in Greek mythology. This is just some of the history behind the acropolis and there is a lot