Informative Essay On Energy Drinks

292 Words2 Pages
Energy Drinks Glucuronolactone, Yerba Mate, Acai Berry, Inositol, Milk Thistle, Ginkgo Biloba,Quercetin, L-Theanine. What are all these Ingredients? These are the ingredients in energy drinks. Some of these ingredients are healthy and some are not. Energy Drink business is booming. Sales in the U.S have hit more than $10 billion, eclipsing categories such as iced tea or sport drinks, about 6 billion energy drinks were consumed nationwide in 2010, 31% of teenagers drinks them regulary. Energy drinks have some bad effects but they also have good effects. Energy drinks have healthy ingredients. In one way it helps with weight loss. It regulates amount of food you will feel like eating for dinner. It also has methobolic burning and contains

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