Informative Essay On Got Milk

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Did you know that 91% of Americans consume dairy products? Whether it be in their food or just in a cup, Americans consume 630 pounds of milk, yogurt and cheese in a year. But what if I told you that all of those “Got Milk?” posters and MyPlate campaigns stating that dairy promotes strong bones are only in effect because of the multimillion dollar industry that is solely based around the milk of another mammal just like you and me. As you know, dairy products come from dairy farms. These dairy farms produce an average revenue of $653.6 million in a month alone. While profit is high in the dairy industry worker morale is extremely low, and no I am not talking about the human employees. We’re talking about the dairy cattle. These heifers are …show more content…

Most people think we have been consuming milk for ages but we have actually been consuming milk for about 7,500 years. It was not until 1908 that milk pasteurization became part of food safety thanks to the discovery made by Robert Koch that proved that milk was directly linked to wide spread Tuberculosis. It was also linked to other milk-borne illnesses like Diptheria, Scarlet Fever, Anthrax and Foot and Mouth disease. Now knowing that pasteurization is a health and safety code in the U.S. I will inform you of this; Our bones barely absorb the calcium in cow’s milk, especially if it is pasteurized. To make matters worse it actually increases calcium loss from out bones! How you ask? Milk acidifies the bodies pH and triggers biological correction. Calcium is an acid neutralizer; the biggest storage area for calcium is in our bones so when we drink milk we use calcium to neutralize the acidifying effect. Since the calcium is pulled from our bones it has to leave the body via our urine which actually leaves us with a calcium deficit. Interestingly enough studies are stating that people who drink more milk actually experience more fractures and broken bones than those who do not consume milk products. It is also believed that milk increases the chance of food allergies in babies and children. The American Gastroenterological Association stated that people produce less lactase, which is the