Informative Essay On Welfare

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Every famous person seems to be on something. We all probably remember when Lindsay Lohan was on cocaine, hearing about Shia LaBeouf's battle with alcohol addiction, and seeing videos of Justin Bieber smoking Marijuana. Something that we may not hear about, is something else that celebrities are on. The rock singer Bruce Springsteen was on this before he became famous. Former Republican presidential candidate, Ben Carson, may be against this now, but when he was younger he was on it. And Oprah Winfrey was on this in her youth. What is this, you may ask. Welfare. (attention getter-series) Most people have an opinion on Welfare, but are most people actually informed on the issue? I will give you the important information on Welfare (topic) that you need to be a responsible citizen and an informed future voter. (direction)
So, in order to judge Welfare, we must …show more content…

(specific example) The USDA states that SNAP, formerly known as Food Stamps, was created to assist needy families pay for groceries. Families on SNAP are given only 1.50$ per person, per meal, this can buy a person something like 3/4 bag of rice from Walmart, or a cheeseburger from McDonalds. (comparison). The census states, that each month in 2012, 13.4% of Americans participated in SNAP. According to the USDA’s Food and Nutrition Services, the qualifications to receive SNAP are similar to those of other Welfare programs. In order to qualify for SNAP a family of four must have a gross income of less than 2,633$ a month. In order to participate in the program an individual must not quit their job, take a job if ordered, and participate in employment training programs assigned by the state. In order for immigrants to receive SNAP, they must be legal citizens and they must have lived in the country for at least five years, must receive disability benefits, or they must be a child under 18. (parallel