Informed Consent In A Psychological Study

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In a psychological experiment ethics is an important part of process. Ethics tells the researcher the correct guidelines to follow in order to conduct the experiment. The experiment that was conducted displays guidelines that were and weren't followed.

During this experiment informed consent was not mentioned in the information that was supplied. This displays that the researcher did not make his participants aware of his intentions before the experiment began. Usually the researcher will inform the participants before they are about to do the experiment but as stated before no informed consent was used during this experiment.

No physical harm was used in this experiment towards the participants but during the experiment, the mental harm of the participants mind or self …show more content…

In an experiment confidentiality is used for the privacy of the participants, making sure no information is leaked to the public. In a usual experiment the participant needs to be assured that they are protected, they also need to be given a ID number, so that the researcher can refer to them throughout his results report. Confidentiality is given so that a participant can answer as honestly as they want without having to worry about the information being revealed. But in this experiment they ignored the confidentiality agreement causing participants from both groups to have personal information revealed.

Throughout this experiment deception was used as a way of getting more accurate results. The researcher informed the participants that they would be taking a test but he did not inform them of their correct results. His aim of the study was to find out which group would do well on a IQ test. The results concluded that the participants from the controlled group did better as they were more confident with their answers. All the participants were informed at the end of the experiment the true intention of the