Interactive Oral Focusing On Marriage Practices And Polygamy

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One question posed during the Interactive Oral focusing on marriage practices and polygamy was the question of: How can one union affect those surrounding the couple? For eldest daughter Daba, the feelings toward the union of her best friend Binetou and father Modou was nothing close to the feeling of joy. The author states, “Daba was furious, her pride wounded. She repeated all the nicknames Binetou had given her father: old man, pot-belly, sugar-daddy! . . .” (39). The word furious is a key factor into finding Daba’s feelings towards this marriage as well as having her pride wounded. In addition to her pride being wounded due to the hurtful words be spoken in confidence about her own father, Daba’s pride could have been wounded due to the behavior being shown to her mother, another wife of Modou’s. …show more content…

In all fifty of the United States polygamy is outlawed, but most people find this a taboo in general. During our Interactive Oral we uncovered the fact that we think polygamy is negatively looked down upon due to our society and cultural developments that have shaped our society. From our Interactive Oral I came to the conclusion that polygamy is cheating in our culture in an understated setting. In the end, without sneaking around in some instances, cheating and polygamy are one in the same. Attention and privacy is being taken from one relationship are being spread to one or more relationship. In America were the dominant religion is Christianity young girls are taught to look for their special “Prince Charming”; one that they can hold onto and love singularly forever but in other cultures it is accepted to find multiple persons to fulfill

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