
Interventions That Apply Scripture In Psychotherapy Case Study

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This review is on the article Interventions That Apply Scripture in Psychotherapy, by Fernando Garzon. The article is in a case study approach and analyzes the use of the Bible within the “psychodynamic, psychoeducational, theoeducational, cognitive, behavioral, and affective experiential therapeutic” (Garzon, 2005 p.113) approaches of counseling. The example used in the case study is George who is a 30 year old white male construction worker, whose issues include “depressed mood, low self-esteem, suicidal thoughts, and trouble sleeping” (Garzon, 2005 p. 113) and has been dealing with these issues for approximately 10 years now. George had a very traumatic younger life with abuse both physical and mental by his father. Being that George is a Christian, he wanted that included within his therapy.
Implementing scripture in a therapy setting can only be done with the consent of the patient; “any Biblical interventions incorporated into treatment should be done in a highly ethical manner” (Garzon, 2005 p. 115) not doing so would be not only inappropriate but unethical. There are many ways to use scripture in …show more content…

116) we talked about each column on the chart and filled it as to her feelings and thoughts all while being empathetic to her feelings and we then looked to the Bible to dispute why she should let those feelings go such as it states in Psalm 139:13-14 “For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well” (Holy Bible ESV). She had to realize what a wonderful person God made her to be and it is still in her even though at the moment it was clouded in the doubts that her husband instilled in

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