Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity In the book entitled Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity: An Introduction to Worldview Issues, Philosophical Foundations, and Models of Integration, Entwistle (2015) gives a comprehensive overview of imperative issues surrounding the integration of psychology and Christianity.
In the first chapter, Enwistle (2015) discusses the controversy of psychology and Christianity. Many people tend to separate or compartmentalize religious and secular vocations, with very little or no overlay. This essentially means that Christian’s cannot separate their occupations from their beliefs if they are to fully live out their beliefs in all realms of life, meaning that there is no secular and sacred for the whole-hearted Christian. In the second chapter, Entwistle (2015) emphasizes Darwin’s influence as the main source of this discord between science/psychology and the church. He points out that Darwin’s evolution theory caused more liberal congregations to sway towards
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Because of the division of science in religion discussed in chapters 1 and 2, there is very little room for interaction among psychology and religion, especially in the earlier years of psychology. Going into chapter 4, the author gives a comprehensive overview of different worldviews while discussing what they are and the importance of a Christian entering into the counseling profession to have a Christian worldview. Worldviews are learned through various influences and shape our understanding of the world, which gives both insight and distorted thinking. It is vital for counselors to have the proper worldview that is aligned both with empirical scientific evidence and sound theological doctrine to properly guide and direct others into truth, insight, awareness, healing, and