
Invictus Persuasive Speech

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Be Positive Be positive, rise up and make a difference. People need to realize that actions in life will affect the outcome. Be positive throughout life to enjoy it. TRANSITION SENTENCE “Invictus” by William Ernest Henley and “Still I Rise” by Maya Angelou, both convey the message that people need to take control of their lives, rise up, and be positive. Through “Invictus”, William Ernest Henley conveys that people need to take control of their lives, rise up, and be positive. The use of imagery expresses this theme because even though his head was bloody, he did not bow it and rose to be better. The speaker states, “My head is bloody, but unbowed” (Henley 8). Imagery is used to make the reader feel like they need to rise up through what they say. The person in the poems gets put down over and over again but still has the power to keep her chin up in the rough times. This device expresses the theme by having people image the situation so they believe in what the …show more content…

The use of repetition expresses this theme by stating the point then saying it in a similar way to prove the point further. The speaker states, “You may shoot me with your words,/ You may cut me with your eyes,/ You may kill me with your hatefulness” (Angelou 23-25). Repetition is used to help the author get an important point across. This helps show the theme because it is repeated over and over in the story, by repeating this she is calling out her haters. Another device Maya Angelou uses is personification because it allows the reader to connect easier because of the human characteristics the author gives things. The speaker states, “You may cut me with your eyes” (Angelou 24). Personification is used to give object human like abilities which helps the reader relate to what he/she does and understand that you do not have to be the perfect cookie cutter person to be

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