
Iris Lockwood's Short Story

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Iris Lockwood, never knew of her abilities until her second year of highschool, on her sixteenth birthday. As a young girl, Iris always loved the way she felt when she went out to the range to shoot arrows. The feeling of letting go and flying through the air always gave her chills. Her friends wanted to connect with her on that same level of love and escape.On the morning of her eighteenth birthday, Iris didn't feel the same as any other day. “This wasn't normal birthday jitters was it?” she thought to herself. “It has to be my state test in art. I’ll be fine. I have studied all month for this!” Iris said aloud while getting out of bed as she went down the hall to start her morning routine before she left to school.Just as she stepped out the door to walk the ten blocks to school, she found she had mistakenly grabbed her bow instead of her backpack. As she went to turn around to put it …show more content…

Of course, Iris already knew their names, faces, background, story, and abilities. Devon, who is the fearsome leader, lets his twin sister Darcie, who is full of spunk and sass, stand by him when he makes decisions. These two are the oldest that were shipped to the U.S. from Austria, when their mother could no longer fend for her children, and needed to save them from their father. Devon can bend light of any form, and his sassy sister can see into the hearts of those around her, including those of plants and animals. Traven, who was tossed around from foster home to foster home, is a very short tempered person and is always playing with fire. Jamen is the youngest, smartest, and fastest of all of them. He and Traven have grown up with everyone, so they know the ropes more than Iris would, even though they are only a year younger than her. Flare, despite her name, is the peace keeper of the group and can use force fields and go invisible. She treats Jamen and Traven like kid

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