Sociological Observation

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The session involved a young person named Gabriel, his diagnosed with severe Autism spectrum disorder. Whilst observing Phoebe, during this session, she noticed that he was not interacting with any of the staff, he would just move around and do his own thing. Phoebe stated that Gabriel would have epileptic fits (Caldwell, 2007), these are seizures that they go through depending on the area of the brain affected (NHS 2014). Commemorating Gabriel’s movement and interactions, it conveyed that he struggles to communicate with the world, this is due to the words come in scrambles which impact the reality which he does not understand. He is the only student in the college that has an individual programme made for him. This emphasises how his conditions …show more content…

Phoebe had communicated with Gabriel through emotions during the three days. The relationship that Gabriel and Phoebe had made him give more eye contact, smile and mimic what she would do with different objects. Another support worker named Debbie, she is one of the observers.During the session, Gabriel did not have much to do with Debbie which can reinforce the relationship they both have. It is either, Debbie does not know how to behaviour when she is with Gabriel or she does not have any techniques to interact with him. David Kidd- Smalley, which is the learning co-ordinator is another observer in this session. During the sessions, David stated that Gabriel never showed that much attention to anyone before (Caldwell, 2007). This can portray that the relationship that David and Gabriel had, was not enough to communicate and bond. And finally, another support worker, observer in this session, named Rosemary just before the end of the session, Gabriel and Rosemary had a chanced to sit down one-to-one on a table where she would use the same string to which Gabriel had and would copy what he was doing, which in this case was playing with the