Is Cowhoppers Only For The Juice It Kids?

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Cowherds is currently using only plastic bottles for the selling and distribution of its juices. The implementation of “Cowhoppers” only for the Juice it Kids! solution campaign (for children target group) will work as a blueprint for the company to test out its success before incorporating it as an incremental change.

In the case of the label, same as the change of the packaging, an evolutionary change will be implemented. The current label with the logo of Cowherds will be transformed by adding the words “For Kids” in order to state this is a specific product made for children. This new label will encourage engagement by the use of colours and activities were kids would be able to interact with the product directly. The use of animals as role models will increase the attraction of the target group to the juices by presenting an …show more content…

This will happen by inviting children to become “Mini-Veggie-Mixers”, where kids will have the chance to start from choosing the animal they feel more attracted to, build their juice box and then personalizing the juice they want by choosing the ingredients. There are three main steps for children to become a “Mini-Veggie-Mixers” which are:
1. YOU choose it!
2. YOU fuse it!
3. YOU luv it!
The main outcome from providing children with the opportunity to make their own juice is because “studies show that human and non human animals display preferences for food previously chosen or eaten by conspecifics” (Shutts, Kinzler, & DeJesus, 2013). This means that decisions made by children will be based on what is going on in their surroundings. In a more specific case, when parents tend to choose healthy food such as fruits and vegetables, children will then choose this type of